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Creating a Policy

Get started with policy creation for your Sub-Account

Updated over a week ago

To further safeguard user assets, Brahma Console allows the creation of deployment thresholds as well as pre-defined rules and upper limits for each Sub-Account, known as policies.

Policies act as safety nets, preventing any single transaction from exceeding a predefined limit. This access control mechanism ensures that even if a Sub-Account is compromised, the overall impact on the main portfolio remains limited. Various types of policies can be set within a Sub-Account at the global level, granular asset level, and operator/policy level.

A. Creating Policy:

  1. Access the admin environment and navigate "Create Policy" while you choose the respective Sub-Account.

  2. Define transaction limits and whitelist contracts.

    • Set transaction upper limits on specific assets

    • Whitelisted Contract address based on the specific Sub-Account use cases or for whitelisted wallet address interactions by directly entering or selecting via the address book.

3. Review and save your policy terms

B. Managing Policies:

Policy management, including viewing and modification, is done through the Policies tab.

Operators, when switching accounts, can see applied policies and encounter restrictions on unauthorised transactions. Complex transactions may experience slight delays due to policy checks. Operators can request policy adjustments from Console owners.

Note: Once a policy is signed on a Sub-Account, it starts being enforced on each transaction, irrespective of its origin โ€” be it directly through the Console UI or executed through the Console API. When an operator initiates a transaction, the policies in your Access Control are allowed to be added to the transaction builder, or otherwise, they will be blocked accordingly.

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