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Creating a Sub-Account

Here's a guide to help you set-up your first Sub-Account on Console

Updated over a week ago

A Sub-Account will be established as a Safe Module exclusively owned by the Main Console. This setup will enable users to define specific roles, granting custom and precise control over funds and execution activities.

Login to Your Console Account:

Access the Main Console dashboard and Click on “Create a Sub-Account” or kickstart the Sub-Account creation from the sub-menu from the quick action menu.

Note: To create a Sub-Account you must be an Owner of your main Console

  1. Click on Create Sub-Account from the homepage to get started. Alternatively you may create a Sub-Account by clicking on the Control panel in left-most menu.

  2. Create Sub-Account: Name it (e.g., "Console Demo")

  3. Add Operators: Select from address book or input manually. Choose single or multiple signatures respectively

  4. Fund Your Sub-Account: Select assets from Main Safe or proceed to fund your Console if you haven't already. You may choose to fund gas directly from the main Console account or from each individual Sub-Account.

  5. Save and Create Sub-Account: Initiate creation.

  6. Execute your transaction: Simulate transaction to ensure accuracy and proceed to sign the transaction with designated signatures

    You're all set! Refresh to view your Sub-Account in the homepage .

Owner can manage operators, view history, and perform administrative tasks.

After deployment, your Sub-Account streamlines management tasks: batch transactions, execute actions in isolation, and delegate effectively.

Note the Sub-Account section is view only. No changes can be implemented here. To view the rules and policies on your deployed Sub-Account, head to settings and scroll to the Policy panel.

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